Séminaire TRAIL | TRAnslation In Lille

Salle Corbin (B1.661) - STL - ULille Pont de Bois

Patrick Zabalbeascoa, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Too many dichotomies in translator training

Translation theory, especially as presented in translator training, is too often presented in terms of dichotomies. The reason for this is their appeal in reducing options and alternatives to just two, making them easy to remember and fairly straightforward to side with one option or the other. These include but are not limited to: literal v free translation, oral v written, foreignisation v domestication, original language v target language, acceptability v adequacy, dubbing v subtitling, objective v arbitrary translation, literary v non-literary translation. Many of these are false dilemmas or logical fallacies, and ultimately, do not help to advance critical thinking or awareness regards translation and they stifle creativity in translations and in training. Alternatives to dichotomies must be explored.

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