Séminaire des Linguistes avec l'appui de LinguiLille

Université de Lille - Pont de Bois - Salle D. Corbin (B1.661)

Session avec Dawn Archer (Université Métropolitaine de Manchester), 10h30, en salle Corbin 

Dire, c'est agir: manipulating reality paradigms

The focus of this talk is Reality Paradigms (RPs). RPs are the truth filters that individuals see through, draw from, and rely upon when making sense of the world, thereby colouring their worldview (Archer 2002, 2011, 2020). They are not overly problematic when two individuals’ respective lenses are comparable in colour, perceptually speaking, because they will share enough commonalities for the world to be perceived similarly (Archer and Stott, 2020). Problems can – and do – arise, though, when individuals see the world differently, but are unaware that their perceptual lens is affecting - and sometimes skewing - their assessment of the world (ibid.; Archer, 2002). RPs can also be manipulated linguistically by others – for both altruistic purposes and egoistic purposes (Archer 2020 &  forthcoming). The talk will provide examples of each, drawing upon extracts involving US police crisis negotiators talking with their (struggling) subjects and extracts of Donald Trump discussing then-President Obama (prior to running for President himself).

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