Zoe McConaughey a reçu le prix allemand des meilleures thèses en logique mathématique et fondements des sciences
Prix et distinction
Thèse soutenue le 10 décembre 2021
Zoe McConaughey received the German price for the best theses in mathematical logic and the foundations of exact sciences for her thesis "Aristotle. Science and the Dialectician's Activity. A Dialogical Approach to Aristotle's Logic". The DVMLG (Deutsche Vereinigung für Mathematische Logik und für
Grundlagenforschung der exakten Wissenschaften), the German learned
society for mathematical logic, organises a biannual meeting called
"Colloquium Logicum". The 2022 edition of the Colloquium Logicum will take
place in Konstanz from 25 to 28 September 2022.
As part of the Colloquium Logicum, the DVMLG also organises a PhD
Colloquium during which the best doctoral candidates of the last years are
invited to present their research. The invitations are based on
nominations from the membership of the DVMLG and the selection is made by
the programme committee of the Colloquium Logicum. Invitation to speak in
the PhD Colloquium can be considered to be the German "best PhD
dissertation award" and comes with a signed document that confirms this
status handed out after the presentation.
Zoe McConaughey received the German price for the best theses in mathematical logic and the foundations of exact sciences for her thesis "Aristotle. Science and the Dialectician's Activity. A Dialogical Approach to Aristotle's Logic". The DVMLG (Deutsche Vereinigung für Mathematische Logik und für
Grundlagenforschung der exakten Wissenschaften), the German learned
society for mathematical logic, organises a biannual meeting called
"Colloquium Logicum". The 2022 edition of the Colloquium Logicum will take
place in Konstanz from 25 to 28 September 2022.
As part of the Colloquium Logicum, the DVMLG also organises a PhD
Colloquium during which the best doctoral candidates of the last years are
invited to present their research. The invitations are based on
nominations from the membership of the DVMLG and the selection is made by
the programme committee of the Colloquium Logicum. Invitation to speak in
the PhD Colloquium can be considered to be the German "best PhD
dissertation award" and comes with a signed document that confirms this
status handed out after the presentation.